
Monthly Archives: March 2010

A few posts ago (Lots of Pencils) I talked about the Museu de Arte Moderna in Sao Paulo. This was probably one of my favorite times in an art museum. Each installation was so different and inspiring, my brother and I just had a blast. Another artist there that amazed us was Cassio Vasconcellos, a photographer. He designed an installation containing multiple photo crops of one cityscape from various heights and distances. He hung them from the ceiling at their appropriate height/depth, had a chair at the vertex for the viewer to sit, and at that point all the photos merged into one cityscape. It was awesome! Check out the video on his website cassio under portfolios/uma vista.

{images courtesy of Flickr: paulo.fernandesPhotostream}

With the imminent arrival of spring I have started a series of eggshell mosaics based on the intricate beauty of nature. My mosaics are small, intimate pieces that require close observation to understand its detail and exquisiteness just like looking at the elaborate design of a flower. Using eggshells as my medium I have created another link between my work and nature. Below is the first one in the series that I finished this weekend.


{Eggshell Mosaic 6 1/4″ x 8″}

Factory 20 is the boutique of antiques. The simple rustic beauty of each image has a storybook quality that is enchanting and captivating. They have a great sense for furniture staging and photography.

I am so drawn to antique dress forms

If you ever took a basic drawing class you may remember the practice of covering your paper with charcoal and then erasing it away to create your image (and always leaving smears of charcoal across your face). Well Reverse Graffiti Project takes this idea to a whole new level. They are erasing away the dirt on the city walls and turning it into a new form of graffiti art.

Designer Ji Lee’s Parallel World installation decorates the ceiling with miniature dollhouse furniture. He states “Decorating ceilings was a celebrated art form in the past centuries that somehow got lost through the reductionism of modernism. People don’t look at the ceiling anymore. It’s a dead space. So I wanted to bring a small wink to this space. I also liked the idea that somehow there’s a parallel world which coexists with ours.”  I love this idea…It brings humor, interest, and fun into a room! Check out more of his cool work here Please Enjoy – The Work of Ji Lee

I really like doing errands while I am on a run;  taking the term “running errands” literally.  I also like to bring my camera along, you never know what you’re going to see that inspires you or catches your eye. Below are some photos that I have captured during some of my runs the past few weeks.

The first six pictures depict elements that, like me, have endured the harsh Boston weather.

Rusting Bridge

Weathered jetty in the canal

Outdoor tarnished raidiators

Other cool things I saw along my run

Staircase near Kendall Square

The Charles on my run a few weeks ago

The Charles on my run today